Austin is a really small town, you can know just a handful of people here and through them have a connection to most everyone else you meet.
Case in point, I wanted to get Dana Falconberry on the Transistor Six film schedule. I first heard her on KUT here in Austin and have seen her name around town playing a number of this city's great venues. As soon as I started to ask around to see who managed her I got an email directly from Dana the same day introducing herself as an Austin based artist who really liked the work we were doing and wanted to see if we were interested in doing a session. That kind of kismet happens frequently here in Austin, Texas and it's pretty amazing.
So, a little about Dana, she is originally from Michigan and moved to Austin a few years back. Her band of musicians including Karla Manzur, Gina Dvorak, Matthew Shepherd, Lindsey Verrill and Christopher Cox are all exceptional musicians and singers and together they bring a sound that is really unlike any other. The songs themselves are stories of childhood summer retreats, giving the feeling of innocence and wonder. With many artists you feel like an audience member watching a show, but with Dana and crew you feel like you are around a campfire with friends and part of the party. When you leave you can't help finding yourself longing to go back again. The new album is called Leelanau and it's really beautiful. Check it out and get it here:
Be sure to check out the Dana Falconberry bonus session tracks "Dolomite" and "Please Sparrow" on our
Facebook page!
ACL Fest is approaching we wanted to revisit with Dana Falconberry who is on tour and playing this year's ACL Fest. We wanted to ask her a few questions and also got her to sign 3 vinyl copies of her album
Leelanau, which we have up for grabs!
Here are the answers we got back... Along with some amazing illustrations!
Check out the gear we used and if you have questions about shots you can direct them to
questions@transistorsix.com . We will feature some of them on our Facebook pages with answers. Please be specific about the photo in question and we will try to get back to you.