Check out the melodic trio The Spring Standards double EP Yellow // Gold at your local record stores...what's that? You don't have a local record store? Well you can also pick it up here using your computer machine:
It was really great meeting east coasters James, Heather and James during SXSW. When first listening to the EP I was really drawn in by the harmonies and the Fleetwood Mac style of switching of vocalists across many of the songs. It's great when a band can play many rolls and not just be stuck with everyone only doing one thing.
If looking for a perfect example of the harmonies that James, Heather and James are capable of , check out the track "Pennies". It's got that feeling of riding on a train and campfires at night. Also be sure to check out the track "Sharks", where Heather gives a very vivid account of living on the east coast and being afraid of sharks which she metaphorically works into this great track. We were also big fans of "Bells and Whistles" as well as "Only Skin" which you can see below.
We really look forward to seeing these folks again when they make their way into town and wish them the best!
Be sure to click here or on the Facebook icon at the top right to hear The Spring Standards Bonus Tracks: "Enemies" and "Only Skin".
If it looks like The Spring Standards were having fun in these shots you would be correct. We shot these pictures using the LC-A + with a color splash flash and also used an Action Sampler Lomography camera where you see four pictures in one. We had an interesting development effect happen naturally (most likely light peeking in) on the portrait shot of James, mistakes using film are usually pretty great. Many people often ask, "How did you get that shot" and the answer is usually some mistake we made during the shoot.
Check out the gear we used and if you have questions about shots you can direct them to . We will feature some of them on our Facebook pages with answers. Please be specific about the photo in question and we will try to get back to you.
Enjoy the Transistor Six film for The Spring Standards track, "Only Skin" filmed live at Frank in Austin TX. This film was all shot on glorious Kodak Super 8 Film.
Film Crew: Sean Schiavolin, Christopher Morse, Rachel Stuckey
Assistant Editor: Marc Hall
Audio: Media Tech Institute, Matt Howard, Ford Hook
Photos and Words: Cory Llewellyn